Last week we had a look at Asus’ HTPC keyboard concept, but now we’ve got some specs to go along with it. The only thing we don’t know about are pricing and availability. The keyboard boasts a 5-inch built-in display, a 1.6 GHz Atom processor, 1 GB of RAM, 16/32 GB SSD, WiFi, flat Mac-like keys and Bluetooth.
Where ports are concerned, it’s got wireless HDMI, 2 USB 2.0, VGA, HDMI, and audio in/out. It’s OS of choice is Windows XP home, which is a bit odd for something that wants to be a home theater PC,
though it’s not packing a TV tuner either. No info on price or release date, but according to the Asus CEO, it’ll be available in the next 3 to 6 months.
We can’t wait to see this thing. Think about it, if you wanted to, you could carry it around with a a pocket projector and have access to a full PC with a sizable projected display anywhere.
鍵盤擁有5英寸內置的顯示屏, 1.6 GHz的原子處理器, 1 GB內存, 16/32 GB的固態硬盤,無線,平面的Mac樣鑰匙和藍牙。
凡港口而言,這就是無線HDMI , 2個USB 2.0 ,顯卡, HDMI和音頻輸入/輸出。
它的操作系統的選擇是使用Windows XP Home ,這是一個有點奇怪的東西
都想成為家庭影院PC ,但它不是包裝或者電視調諧器。